Mandates of Dominique Biedermann
Corporate Governance
- International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
- Swiss Board Forum
- Swiss Board Institut
- Swiss Institute of Directors
- Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance [pdf]
- Proxy voting guidelines 2019 of the Ethos Foundation [pdf]
- UK Stewardship Code [pdf]
- Hilb Martin, «Corporate Governance im Praxistest», Haupt Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2014
- Hilb Michael (Editor), « Governance of Digitalisation », Haupt Verlag, 2017
- Kaufmann Ronny und Rechtsteiner Stefan (Hrsg.), « Governance der Energiewende », Stämpfli Verlag, 2019
- Swiss Board Forum, « Handbuch für den Verwaltungsrat », Cosmos Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2019
- Zen-Ruffinen Marie-Noëlle und Bauen Marc, « Le Conseil d’administration », Ed. Schulthess, 2017
Socially Responsible Investments (SRI)
- Ethos Foundation
- Montréal Carbon Pledge
- Phitrust
- Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
- Responsible Investor
- Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF)
- SSF : Handbook on Sustainable Investments [pdf]
- SSF : Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2019 [pdf]
- WWF : Swiss Sustainable Finance, jetzt oder nie! [pdf (in German)]
- WWF : Sustainability in the Swiss retail banking sector 2016-17 [pdf]
- WWF : Swiss Pension Funds and Responsible Investment 2018-19 [pdf]